Smart Heating Controls

Transform your home with Smart Heating Controls, provided by Bloxt and funded through government schemes, to optimise your heating, reduce energy consumption, and lower your energy bills. With state-of-the-art heating technology, you can have greater control over the temperature in every room, making your home more comfortable and energy-efficient.

What Are Smart Heating Controls?

Smart Heating Controls are advanced systems that allow you to manage and optimize the heating in your home. These systems use intelligent algorithms and sensors to learn your heating patterns, so rooms are only heated when necessary, saving energy and reducing costs.

Features of Smart Heating Controls:

Intelligent Learning

Smart Heating Controls learn your household’s routine, automatically adjusting the temperature based on occupancy and when you're at home.

Room-by-Room Control

No need to heat rooms that aren't in use. Smart controls allow you to manage the temperature of each room individually, reducing unnecessary energy use.

Energy Efficient

By ensuring heat is only used when needed, you’ll see a reduction in energy consumption and lower heating bills.

Remote Access

Some smart heating systems allow you to control the temperature from anywhere using your smartphone, giving you total flexibility.

Why Choose Bloxt’s Smart Heating Controls?


At Bloxt, we believe in helping households take control of their energy usage. Our smart heating solutions provide an easy and cost-effective way to improve comfort while cutting energy bills.


Save Money

Only heat the rooms you’re using, and ensure your home is always at the perfect temperature without wasting energy.

Environmentally Friendly

Reducing energy usage not only saves money but also reduces your household’s carbon footprint.

Easy Installation

Our team of experts will install your Smart Heating Controls with no hassle. Plus, they come pre-configured, so you can start saving energy immediately.

No Extra Apps

Unlike other systems, our heating controls work right out of the box without needing an additional app or Wi-Fi setup.

Get Started Today

Eligible customers can get Smart Heating Controls installed at no cost through government-backed funding schemes and grants. Bloxt is proud to partner with these programs to provide energy-efficient solutions to those who need them most.